Massage Therapy & Burnout

The World Health Organization is including Burnout in the 11th Revision of The International Classification of Diseases. It is described in the chapter: ‘Factors influencing health status or contact with health services’ – which includes reasons for which people contact health services but that are not classed as illnesses or health […]

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What is Thai Massage? (VIDEO)

Thai Massage is a comprehensive, full body treatment that works on a physical, energetic and emotional level. Directing attention to the body’s energetic pathways through movement and mindful massage, blockages are free to release, restoring the flow of energy, and thus liberating your innate ability to heal. Thai Massage allows you […]

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The REAL Reason I Practice

Practice is not about improving my asana. It’s about seeing who I am and grasping an opportunity to explore my tendencies, emotions and reactions. As children, our parents navigate life and relationship for us; we learn these things for ourselves first by mimicking them. Without knowledge or intention, we become mini […]

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Savasana for Beginners

What could possibly be so difficult about savasana (corpse pose)? Physically, it’s about the easiest position to get one’s body into. All you have to do is lay down on your back and decide whether or not you need a lift under your head or knees to ease any low back […]

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Therapeutic Yoga

There are three types of stress that wreak havoc on our bodies: Physical, chemical and emotional. How does yoga actually work in reducing the effects of these stresses? Although the method of each type of stress varies greatly, the impact on the body’s chemistry is the same. A physical injury, chemical […]

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What is Thai Massage

There is something deeply relaxing about being on the floor. It seems as though the support and firmness of the floor allow for the body to yield more fully to gravity, encouraging a much longer and deeper breath which, in turn allows muscular tension to dissipate.  Thai massage differs from regular […]

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