Pain from Poor Working Posture — It’s More than Ergonomics

If your day or week ends with burning muscles around your upper back, shoulders & neck, your body is expending too much energy trying to correct a poor working posture. This is a very common syndrome, and it’s not as tough to manage as you might think.

A common misconception is that you need to fix your posture to calm those angry muscles, and while it is true that it all comes down to posture, it’s going to take a bit more than merely reminding yourself to sit straight.

Proper ergonomics will put your body in the correct position which takes unnecessary strain off of the upper back, shoulder, neck and even wrist muscles. But what if your office cannot accommodate the right chair, desk or mouse? You are NOT sentenced to a life of work related pain.

Our massage therapists can help reduce the tension in your muscles and give you a head start in regaining a body that is strong enough to endure long days at your desk. Once the muscles stop burning, we will show you simple exercises to strengthen the correct areas. Although stretching feels great on those tense back muscles, in the long run, this may exacerbate your problems. Let us show you how to correct the damage your desk is doing.